Rahul(15 years): Before this program, I was just a typical teenager: aggressive, unfocused, stubborn and an average performer. I was wasting time with friends and phone/Laptop/TV till late night. I didn’t know what I wanted from life. Within few weeks of joining CtrlAltXl, I myself start noticing positive changes. Today, I know what I want from life and how to attain it. To my parents relief, I am doing well academically also.
Anushka(16 years): My house was like a warzone. I used to argue with my parents, which would result in heated arguments or cold war. Sometimes even my parents started fighting out of frustration. Someone suggested CtrlAltXl to my father and I have changed into a new leaf altogether. I am so lucky to undertake this program at the right age and I can already invision, how my future is going to be happier than others.